List of companies
Vianor, UAB "PB Group"
Pramonės g. 15E, 78137 Šiauliai
(+370) 61211111
Closes 18.00
Company contacts
(+370) 61211111
Donatas Skulskis
Company code
VAT code
15 employees (insured)
Average wage
1 898,82 € (2024 July) more information
Work hours
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Niekam nerekomenduočiau Šiaulių filialo.:(
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Ratų pasaulis, UAB
Nepriklausomybės al. 2A, Naujoji Akmenė, 85126 Akmenės r.
(+370) 69556512
Surrounding companies | Show on map
0.4 km | Pramonės g. 17F, Šiauliai
autogarages car repair repair of body chassis repair engine repairs mounting of wheels gearbox repair painting of automobiles balancing of wheels auto-diagnostics repair of cars repairs automobile parts appurtenances minibuses accesories automobile service in Šiauliai...
0.7 km | Metalistų g. 4D, Šiauliai
bumper mudguard hood sun protection cutrains louver piston turbine hydro clutch turning light flywheel crankshaft gauge sensor diffuser cardan...
1.7 km | Dubijos g. 34, Šiauliai
garage car repair diagnostics montage of tires tires car repair shop/garage in Vilnius garage in Klaipėda garage Alytus technical supervision toe-out replacement of oils change of oil repair of conditioners conditioner refill...
3.4 km | Tilžės g. 223, Šiauliai
tires service tire repair tires new tires second-hand tires wheel rims tire repair painting of rims montage of tires tire balancing montage of tires tire vulcanization sale of tires rims allignment montage balancing...
20.5 km | Maironio g. 167, Radviliškis
tires tires for passenger cars/automobiles tires for trucks tire retail sale tire wholesale trade montage of tires tire balancing new tires sales of tires powder painting
34.9 km | Ryto g. 2, Pakruojis
tires montage of tires automobile parts auto parts technical support for automobiles on the road engines washing engine washing starter repairs generator repairs starter generator repair auto glasses car glasses replacement of automobile glasses auto -electrician auto electricians technical support ont the road...
50.3 km | Žemaičių g. 54, Venta, Akmenės r.
montage balancing wheel rims wheels aluminum rims oil oils oil olis replacement service chassis repair chassis brake shoe replacement brakes shock absorbers...
53.3 km | Nepriklausomybės al. 2A, Naujoji Akmenė, Akmenės r.
tires tires for passenger cars/automobiles tires for trucks tire retail sale tire wholesale trade montage of tires tire balancing car interior cleaning cleaning of cabins new tires sales of tires
65.5 km | Eglynės g. 3, Kalnujų mstl., Raseinių r.
air olis fuel filters belts radiators montage of tires (wheels) balancing repairs clutches engine belts replacement of chains sale automotive electrician services toe-out installation of alarm electrician...
67 km | Šiaulių pl. 18, Telšiai
parts for lorries truck parts auto parts automobile parts bus/coach parts truck parts parts for minibuses technical support for automobiles on the road technical support 24-hour roadside assistance part of cargo vehicles technical support ont the road chassis parts brake system parts oils filters...
67.2 km | S. Kerbedžio g. 12A, Panevėžys
garage car repair diagnostics montage of tires tires car repair shop/garage in Vilnius garage in Klaipėda garage Alytus technical supervision toe-out replacement of oils change of oil repair of conditioners conditioner refill...
67.9 km | Panevėžio g. 78, Pasvalys
garage autogarages chassis repair chassis diagnostics engine diagnostics Bobcat rent technical support ont the road brake system repairs spare parts chassis parts rent of constructive technique trade of automobiles sales of automobiles of used sale of automobiles purchase of automobiles...
69.7 km | Mūšos g. 12A, Pasvalys
part of cargo vehicles mounting of wheels balancing of wheels tires tires for agricultural machinery tires for agricultural machinery oxygen argon carbon dioxide acetylene garage sale of tires auto parts
80.5 km | Respublikos g. 12A, Kėdainiai
automobile parts Parts tires wheel rims oils oil oil lights supplies bulbs engine parts car body parts chassis parts filters bearings shock absorbers...
105.5 km | Technikos g. 10, Kupiškis
garage garage auto-diagnostics price repair of cars computerized diagnostics engine repairs replacement of oils garage service garage car repair replacement of oils engine repairs engine diagnostics repair of fuel system...